This week, we continued our series, Hesed in Community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. Deirdré JVR guided our exploration of the spiritual practice of listening.
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If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
Nominations for our next council are open until November 21.
Join the Practice mailing list here.
This guided practice was a part of our gathering in which we examined life in community. This practice is directed toward The Practice Church community, but you can easily substitute your local church community in its place.
Find more info on our website.
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at
This week, we continued our series, Hesed in Community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. Father Michael Sparough guided us this week as we explored life in community.
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.
If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
Nominations for our next council are open until November 21.
Join the Practice mailing list here.
This week, we continued our series, Hesed in Community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. This week, Susan Shadid guided us in an exploration of the practice of spiritual Friendships.
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.
If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
Join the Practice mailing list here.
This week, we continued our series looking at how we might put into practice God's invitation to be a hesed-shaped community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. This week, Sharon Swing invited us to consider how God is inviting us to create space for our souls to show themselves to one another in community. These, Sharon said, are "holy ground moments."
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.
If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
Join the Practice mailing list here.
This week, we begin a new series looking at how we might put into practice God's invitation to be a hesed-shaped community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. This week, we Jason Feffer shared how a hesed-shaped community is a way for the Church to be an alternative society in a culture of individualism and tribalism, and we considered the cost of cultuvating such a community in our practice.
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.
If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
Join the Practice mailing list here.
This week, we begin a new series looking at how we might put into practice God's invitation to be a hesed-shaped community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. This week, we Bill Donahue guides us as we explore the Biblical basis for hesed in community.
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.
If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
Join the Practice mailing list here.
This guided practice was a part of our gathering in which we examined God's hesed.
Find more info on our website.
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at
We continue our vision series looking at God's invitation for The Practice Church to be a heed-shaped community.
Find more info on our website.
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at
This guided practice was a part of our gathering in which we examined God's hesed.
Find more info on our website.
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at
We begin a new series focused on God's invitation to The Practice Church in this season.
Find more info on our website.
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at
Jason Feffer concludes our Summer Series, "Practices of the People," with an exploration of storytelling as a spiritual practice.
Find more info on our website.
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at
Nicole Howe teaches on how to engage our imaginations in prayer, and we hear a story from a member of our community on how he has met God in scripture through imaginative prayer.
We have a number of guided imaginative prayers that we have created as a community that we highly recommend. You can access them here.
If the Practice has been meaningful on your spiritual journey, consider making a tax-deductible donation here.
Jason Feffer continues our Practices of the People series with a teaching on Visio Divina. Then, we head outside to practice Visio divina with nature.
You can find a guide to the practice here.
If you would like to give to the Practice Church, you may do so here.
Kirsten Hitchcock introduces us to the practice of doodling prayer and we hear three different stories from the community. Then, we're given space to practice doodling prayer together.
If you've been encouraged by the Practice, would you consider making a tax deductible donation here?
Jason shares an introduction to the practice of silence and we hear a story from Mark Mixter about his experience with this practice. Then, we pray in silence together.
A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at
Register for a Sacred Retreat at using the code PRACTICE90 for a $39 discount.
Jason Feffer continues our series on the nature of the Church. With an examination of Acts 2, Jason considers the differences between a belief based and a practice based church. Find a guide to lectio divina and more here.
If you would like to give to God's work at the Practice, you may do so here.
The first installment of a two part series called "What is Church," Bill Donahue invites us to look at five biblical metaphors for the Church: a Body, Bride, Building, Vineyard, and Family. Then, Bill leads us through a lectio divina style practice of reflecting on these images of the Church and listening for how may God be inviting us to embody the Church in this season.
If the Practice has been meaningful on your Spiritual journey, consider making a tax-deductible donation here.
Continuing our Easter series on the practice of joy, Stephen Kelley guides us on what it might look like to have joy in the midst of pain and struggle. Then, we practice a prayer of examen looking back on how God was present to us in the midst of our everyday lives.
If the Practice has been meaningful for your spiritual journey, consider giving a tax-deductible gift here.
Nick Benoit shares on the importance of delighting in the world around us as a way of delighting in God. Then, we practice together.
If God has used the Practice on your spiritual journey, consider making a tax-deductible donation here.
Continuing our series on the practice of joy, Jason Feffer invites us to abandon ourselves to joy. What does it look like for us to exhibit childlike joy in our everyday lives?
If God has used the Practice on your spiritual journey, consider giving a gift at
Nicole Howe begins our Easter series called "Practicing Joy." What is authentic joy, and how might we be shaped through the practice of celebration to be joyful even in the midst of trials?
If The Practice has been beneficial to your spiritual journey and you would like to give to gift, you may do so here.
Jason Feffer delivers an Easter Sunday message and practice. Inviting us into Mary's experience with the risen Christ, Jason helps us understand and engage with the words of Jesus to Mary, "Do not cling to me."
If God has used The Practice in your life, would you consider supporting the future of The Practice Church? A tax-deductible gift can be given here.
Mimi Dixon continues our Lent series on Fasting as Feasting with God. How might fasting in the wilderness lead us deeper into intimacy with God? Mimi says that fasting in the wilderness ought to be an "expected, unavoidable part of the journey toward union with God." Then, Mimi leads us through a prayer practice with a labyrinth.
If The Practice Church is your home we encourage you to support it as you can. If God has used The Practice on your Spiritual journey, would you consider supporting the future of The Practice Church? A tax-deductible gift can be given at
Casey Tygrett continues our series on Fasting as a way of Feasting on God. While this practice is often misunderstood, it is foundational in our formation in Christ's likeness. Practiced rightly, fasting is actually feasting on God! Fasting also reveals our limitations and guides us to repentance.
If God has used The Practice in your life, would you consider supporting the future of The Practice Church? A tax-deductible gift can be given here.