We have a tricky relationship with control. It is true God gives us agency, and we are responsible to steward that well. However, our agency is limited. We cannot control nearly as much as we would like. So we strive and cling to control, and when the illusion of our control is broken we either cling grasp all the more for power or we resort to deflated inactivity. This year in the season of Lent, we will experiment with surrendering control. If you were not with us last week, we invite you to make some time this week to listen to the teaching of Mandy Smith and craft an experiment.
This week, we looked at our tendency to grasp for control with our resources. We considered how we might control with subtle manipulation of someone's actions or trying to control their emotions. We also asked how our desiring the best for someone we love might lead to a disordered relationship with control. In our practice, we continued to surrender our grasping and clinging, so we might release and surrender to hold the truth that "all shall be well."
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