Kellye Fabian explores the beauty of Psalm 51 as a model for our own repentance in this season of Lent.
Fr Michael shares his wisdom on the season of Lent and leads us through The Examen as a practice to help us prepare for Easter.
Jenna Perrine closes our series at The Practice on The Lord's Prayer in her message, "Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil." Jenna explores this section of The Lord's Prayer as an invitation to surredner and a prayer for God's leadership through the trials, temptations and testing that are sure to come in our faith.
Guest Speaker Deirdre JVR returns for our series on The Lord's Prayer to unpack the second half of the phrase, "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who have trespassed against us." Deirdre shares a helpful process for forgiveness and leads us through a time of prayer as we explore who we may need to forgive before God.
Guest Speaker Deirdre JVR brings her wisdom and experience from years of counseling and reconciliation ministry, to share with us what it means to really know God's forgiveness. Only those who have experienced forgiveness can learn what it means to become a forgiver.
Guest Speaker Jonathan Martin joins us for our series on The Lord's Prayer. In this wonderful message he invites us into what it means to ask and be content with THIS daily bread. This podcast also includes our time of practicing with a guided prayer and response led by Jonathan.
Guest Speaker Steve Carter joins us for our series in The Lord's Prayer to unpack the complexities of "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done As It Is In Heaven," especially in light of the reality of the now and the not yet.
Aaron Niequist kicks off the beginning of our series on The Lord's Prayer, unpacking the familiar words, "Our Father Who Art In Heaven."