In this series, we will be sharing why we are leaning on the Apostles’ Creed as the Order of Faith (commonly known as a Statement of Faith) for our church community. What does the creed say? What does it mean? And how does it influence what we do as a church community? This is going to be an important series for our community.
This week, we considered the third movement of the creed. Jason invited us to reflect on the work of the Holy Spirit.
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In this series, we will be sharing why we are leaning on the Apostles’ Creed as the Order of Faith (commonly known as a Statement of Faith) for our church community. What does the creed say? What does it mean? And how does it influence what we do as a church community? This is going to be an important series for our community.
This week, we considered the second movement of the creed. Bill invited us to consider the person of Jesus, his divinity and his humanity.
For additional resources, please visit our website.
If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team.
If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at
In this series, we will be sharing why we are leaning on the Apostles’ Creed as the Order of Faith (commonly known as a Statement of Faith) for our church community. What does the creed say? What does it mean? And how does it influence what we do as a church community? This is going to be an important series for our community.
This week, we considered the first movement of the creed. We recognize that belief is more than intellectual agreement, but involves trust and a “readiness to act as if what we believe is true.” (Dallas Willard) God, the Father almighty is a personal, relational God, who invites us to live in relationship and find the life of love, joy, and peace that we desire in our Creator.
For additional resources, please visit our website.
If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team.
If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at
The majority of our journey in 2025 will be oriented toward the presence and work of Jesus that we see in the Gospels. We begin this journey with the help of the church calendar, celebrating and reflecting on some key moments in Christ’s story.
This week, Mimi Dixon invited us to consider the temptation of Jesus. What were the temptations that he faced, how do we face those same temptations, and how can we turn our attention to find rest and freedom from the depth of God's love and goodness?
For additional resources, please visit our website.
If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team.
If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at
The majority of our journey in 2025 will be oriented toward the presence and work of Jesus that we see in the Gospels. We begin this journey with the help of the church calendar, celebrating and reflecting on some key moments in Christ’s story.
This week, Kirsten invited us to consider the question, "Who are you?" As we celebrated the baptism of Christ, we explored how this moment answered the question about Jesus, and what we too can learn from his baptism.
For additional resources, please visit our website.
If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team.
If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at
The majority of our journey in 2025 will be oriented toward the presence and work of Jesus that we see in the Gospels. We begin this journey with the help of the church calendar, celebrating and reflecting on some key moments in Christ’s story.
This week (Epiphany Sunday), we considered the story of Epiphany. What do we to see in the visit of the Magi and Herod's terrible respond to the birth of Christ? How do we see our own stories reflected in Epiphany, and how are we being invited to encounter Jesus more deeply in it?
For additional resources, please visit our website.
If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team.
If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at