
The Practice Church Podcast

The Practice is a community that gathers for worship, prayer, teaching, and communion. The Scripture, prayers, and songs of our opening liturgy help us to set aside all that distracts us from the Lord’s loving presence. We slow down to learn and engage the spiritual practices that help us to walk with Jesus. Every gathering, we center around the communion table to meet with Christ in a tangible way. Through all of this, we are seeking to create a sacred space, both in our gatherings and in our everyday lives, so we can be formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world.
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Now displaying: 2022

The Practice is a community that gathers for worship, prayer, teaching, and communion. The Scripture, prayers, and songs of our opening liturgy help us to set aside all that distracts us from the Lord’s loving presence. We slow down to learn and engage the spiritual practices that help us to walk with Jesus. Every gathering, we center around the communion table to meet with Christ in a tangible way.

Through all of this, we are seeking to create a sacred space, both in our gatherings and in our everyday lives, so we can practice the way of Jesus together for the sake of the world.

Jun 13, 2022
In this series, our desire is to soak ourselves in the character of God as it is described in Exodus 34:6-7. It’s our hope that we can have a real encounter with the compassion, grace, slowness to anger, loyal-love, and faithfulness of God in this season. This week, we contemplated God's faithfulness and boldly asked God to demonstrate faithfulness to us in this season.

You can find the handout used for the practice here.

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Jun 6, 2022

In this series, our desire is to soak ourselves in the character of God as it is described in Exodus 34:6-7. It’s our hope that we can have a real encounter with the compassion, grace, slowness to anger, loyal-love, and faithfulness of God in this season. This week, we contemplated God's loyal love and considered how we might live fully immersed in loyal love.

May 23, 2022

In this series, our desire is to soak ourselves in the character of God as it is described in Exodus 34:6-7. It’s our hope that we can have a real encounter with the compassion, grace, patience, loyal-love, and faithfulness of God in this season. This week, we examined God's slowness to anger. What makes God angry, and what does God's judgment look like?

May 16, 2022

This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 5.15.2022 in which we are seeking to encounter God as we contemplate the character of God in Exodus 34:6-7. 

In this practice of gratitude, we look back on the pervious day or week to identify and name that for which we are grateful, we examine how these are gifts from God given with delight, then we choose one to experience in which to rest.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  

May 16, 2022

In this series, our desire is to soak ourselves in the character of God as it is described in Exodus 34:6-7. It’s our hope that we can have a real encounter with the compassion, grace, patience, loyal-love, and faithfulness of God in this season. This week, we will contemplated God's graciousness. How can we recognize and rest in the God's gifts of grace in our everyday life?

May 9, 2022

This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 5.8.2022 in which we are seeking to encounter God as we contemplate the character of God in Exodus 34:6-7. 

In this practice, we imagine ourselves in Matthew 20:29-33 as a way of soaking ourselves in the compassion of God. 

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  

May 9, 2022

In this series, we are opening ourselves to encounter the Lord as we explore the character of God in Exodus 34:6-7. We are seeking to steep ourselves in God's presence as we contemplate this important passage and see how we might encounter God with a sense of wonder and awe in the process. 

This week we contemplate the compassion of God. We see God's willingness to enter into our suffering, and we consider the implications of the Hebrew word rakhum as we rest in the presence of a God who is deeply moved and carries us with the tender care of a mother holding her vulnerable child.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

May 2, 2022
This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 5.1.2022 in which we are seeking to encounter God as we contemplate the character of God in Exodus 34:6-7. In this practice of Lectio Divina, we allow ourselve to steep in the presence of God found in this important text. Find more info on our website. 

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  

May 2, 2022

What if we could move beyond a faith based solely on beliefs or right behaviors? Good theology and kingdom living are absolutely important, but what if this life could be grounded in a real encounter with God? In this series, we are going to steep ourselves in the presence of God. We will contemplate God's character as it is outlined in Exodus 34:6-7, and see how we might encounter God with a sense of wonder and awe in the process.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Apr 18, 2022

After spending this last season in the practice of lament and recognizing lament is a form of dying, we celebrate the resurrection of Christ by affirming that death is not the end. In fact, the pain and honesty of lament is a doorway into into a whole new encounter with Jesus.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Apr 11, 2022

After spending the last four weeks in the practice of lament, we consider the invitation of Palm Sunday. As we have been crying out to God in our sorrow and pain, are we willing to trust however God will respond, even if it is not in the way we hope for God to respond? 

The practice in our service is an imaginative prayer from Jared Patrick Boyd's wonderful book Imaginative Prayer.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Mar 27, 2022

This year during Lent, we are diving into a very intentional journey with the spiritual practice of lament. Lament is a good and proper response when we come face to face with the brokenness in ourselves and in the world. During this holy season, we will enter into an experiment which helps us make space in our lives for lament.

This week, Joan Kelley helped us understand the need to lament the losses we experience in life. She invited us to see lament as a way of asking God to hold our hearts in the midst of our pain.

You can find the handout here. And if you are joining us in the experiment and are not a part of a Table, will you let us know here? We would love to support your experiment.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Mar 21, 2022

This year during Lent, we are diving into a very intentional journey with the spiritual practice of lament. Lament is a good and proper response when we come face to face with the brokenness in ourselves and in the world. During this holy season, we will enter into an experiment which helps us make space in our lives for lament.

This week, David Bailey guided the next movement of our experiments, Lament for Injustice. David said, "God is a liberating God for an oppressed people, a party throwing God for a partying people, and a reconciling God for a reconciled people.

You can find the handout here. And if you are joining us in the experiment and are not a part of a Table, will you let us know here? We would love to support your experiment.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Mar 14, 2022

This year during Lent, we are diving into a very intentional journey with the spiritual practice of lament. Lament is a good and proper response when we come face to face with the brokenness in ourselves and in the world. During this holy season, we will enter into an experiment which helps us make space in our lives for lament.

This week, Casey Tygrett helped us explore the need to lament our sin. He helped us locate our true identity in God's story. Casey said, "Lament for our sin is expressing deep sadness when we forget who we are."

You can find the handout here. And if you are joining us in the experiment and are not a part of a Table, will you let us know here? We would love to support your experiment.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Mar 7, 2022

This year during Lent, we are diving into a very intentional journey with the spiritual practice of lament. Lament is a good and proper response when we come face to face with the brokenness in ourselves and in the world. During this holy season, we will enter into an experiment which helps us make space in our lives for lament.

This week, Nicole Howe began our series, helping us craft an experiment. What do we do to avoid pain in our lives? What might God be inviting us to fast from to make room for lament? How might we deepen our communion with God and one another if we intentionally practice writing psalms of lament in this season?

You can find the handout here. And if you are joining us in the experiment and are not a part of a Table, will you let us know here? We would love to support your experiment.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Feb 18, 2022

We are beginning this year walking through the five key values of The Practice Church.

This week, Father Michael Sparough led us into our final value, for the sake of the world. He guided an Ignatian practice intended to help our contemplation flow into action and our action to flow into contemplation.

If you are interested in joining or even hosting a Practice Table, please let us know here.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Feb 13, 2022

We are beginning this year walking through the five key values of The Practice Church.

This week, Erin Lonard guided our exploration of hospitality and invited us to see hospitality not as a set of activities but as a way of being. 

If you are interested in joining or even hosting a Practice Table, please let us know here.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Feb 7, 2022

We are beginning this year walking through the five key values of The Practice Church.

This week, Jason guided our exploration of the value of community. This week, Jason guided us through the value of community. How are practices of community important in our shared desire to be formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world?

If you are interested in joining or even hosting a Practice Table, please let us know here.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Jan 31, 2022
We are beginning this year walking through the five key values of The Practice Church.

This week, Mark Scandrette invited us to consider the invitation to be formed by Jesus, and see our time in church as a "Jesus dojo."

You can find a simple guide to our practice today here.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Jan 25, 2022

This year, we are spending time walking through the five key values of The Practice Church.

This week, Nicole shared God's invitation to live tethered into the presence of God in our everyday lives.

You can find a simple guide to our practice today here.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

Jan 11, 2022

In the story of Christ's baptism, we see God is up to something new, inviting us to live in a new way. God is calling us to turn away from the influences of the world and to the way of Jesus, a way oriented toward belovedness, surrender, and action.

A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here

If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?

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