Jason Feffer begins our Lenten journey at the Practice Church, "Fasting: Feasting on God." While this practice is often misunderstood, it is foundational in our Spiritual formation. Jason reminds us that when practiced rightly, fasting is actually feasting on God! Then, Jason helps us craft a practice of fasting for this season of Lent.
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Nicole Howe closes out our series "Desiring Deeply: Freedom and Detachment." After exploring the final result of Christian detachment, interior freedom, we then practice a prayer of discerning where God is inviting us to experience deeper levels of true freedom. Find more info on our website.
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As we continue our series Desiring Deeply: Freedom and Detachment, we invite you to make room in your day for a practice of the Examen. In this practice, we review our day with Jesus, paying attention to what we notice and having a conversation with the Lord. Will you join us in this practice?