Continuing our series, Desiring Deeply: Freedom and Detachment, Jason Feffer helps us explore what happens when our desires run amuck. What can we do when we struggle to live in the freedom of detachment? View more information on our website here.
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Joan Kelley continues our series "Desiring Deeply: Freedom and Detachment" with an exploration of holy desire. What role does desire play in our spiritual journey? How do our deepest desires help us uncover God's loving will for our lives? After Joan's teaching, we practice a prayer of discerning our desires in God's presence.
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Father Michael Sparough leads us in an embodied practice of detachment. Find the entire teaching here.
Father Michael Sparough begins a new teaching series titled "Desiring Deeply: Freedom and Detachment." We are reminded of the truth that Jesus invites us to hold all things with open hands in order to find the fulfillment of our deepest longings in God alone. Then, we practice a powerful embodied prayer of detachment. Find more info on our website here.